What we learned from our Life Coaching Program.

Like their clients, a life coach is always learning and always growing. But it all starts somewhere. For most, that's in their training program. Every certification program is special, and those who graduate from these programs emerge with different takeaways that make them unique life coaches. We asked five life coaches about the lessons they learned from their training, and here's what they said. 


Tom Battye, an EMCC Global Individual Accredited coach and Founder of Tom Battye Coaching Ltd, works with programs like the National Health Services in the UK. He offers insight into a technique he finds most helpful. 

“The most helpful knowledge I gained from my training was the concept of a Glimpse of Brilliance. Clients tend to focus on what is not working for them. As coaches, we need to help them break out of old patterns. Asking them to consider a time when they glimpsed their own brilliance is a great way to help them start thinking differently about who they are and what they could achieve."


Elisa Chiang, founder of the Wealthy Mindset. She talks about some of the most pertinent lessons she took away from her own training. One of them is positive thinking.

"Our thoughts about the circumstances of life create our feelings which drive our actions and produce the results in our life. While thoughts just seem to pop into our brain, we have a choice over what we choose to think, and we can manage our thoughts. By managing our thoughts well, we can literally create any result we want in our life."


Another lesson that Chiang took away from her training program is that we, as people, aren't very good at coping with our problems. In fact, we've created an entire society dedicated to distracting ourselves from our issues. And distracting ourselves doesn't make us feel better.

"A lot of what we do that creates negative results in our life is a result of "buffering," which is indulging in something to avoid what we are actually thinking. Buffering may be overeating, overdrinking, watching Netflix, or other entertainment to essentially escape life. Overeating causes weight gain, which will usually make us feel bad about ourselves, leading us to overeat more. By allowing feelings and actually feeling them in our body, instead of avoiding, resisting, or reacting, we can stop doing actions that lead to results we don't want."


Nicole Graham is a life coach and relationship expert that works with the lifestyle magazine Womenio. One thing to keep in mind, she says, is that everyone is different. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to helping people.

"As a life coach, I have learned over the years of conducting sessions and programs that everyone has a story to share, and everyone's life is unique. Each person we encounter has their own set of challenges and hardships that they face every day. What may be detrimental to one person's life may be beneficial to another. Rather than trying to change people, we must accept them as they are. As a life coach, it is my goal to help my clients be the best versions of themselves by guiding them and supporting them."


Life coaching is about helping people achieve life goals, but Amy Shoen, professional life coach and founder of Heartmind Connection Coaching, knows that figuring out what you want out of life isn't all that simple. The problem people have when finding "The One" often lies in the fact that they don't even know who they are yet or what they want out of life.

"I love helping my clients really understand their values. I describe each identified value into meaningful phrases. Together we then classify them as personal or relationship values. We connect with people based on values. Knowing their own values has helped my clients because they can search for someone who wants similar things. They recognize these people as potential life partners."

Amy Stone, founder of Amy Says So, says that identifying your goals and desires is one of the biggest steps to actually achieving them.

"What I have learned from my life coaching certification and client sessions is how quickly a person can make progress toward a goal simply as a result of being able to talk to a trained coach who helps them observe thoughts and patterns without judgment. What is so interesting is that coaching is not advice but allowing people to see and identify what they may already know."

Are you thinking about becoming a life coach? Consider The Mind Rebel™ Academy, one of the most beloved coach training schools in the world, helping people step into their life’s work as a world-class coach. At the end of the program, you will be eligible to apply for your International Coaching Federation accreditation. Book a Discovery Call to find out more.


Using your coaching business as an outlet for social change.


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